Friday, October 21, 2011

A Time to Celebrate

(By Daesha) I’m usually not keen for my own birthday, and this year was no exception.  My reluctance to celebrate has a little to do with getting older and a lot to do with a distaste for being the center of undivided attention.  However, this year God taught me that birthdays can be an important time to allow a deflated spirit to be filled back up.  The occasion left me feeling happy, loved, and refreshed.  My birthday gifts:
  • the sign and friendly face of its creator in the above picture
  • chocolate and cookies from students
  • an explosion of Facebook greetings from those I love and miss
  • kitchen supplies, a woven basket, and a beautiful necklace from my in-laws
  • brownies and ice cream
  • a date with my husband to “The Living Room” where we ate our meal of traditional meat and rice in a private room while watching a movie projected on the wall
  • a night out for SUSHI :-) with some of the other teachers (tonight, actually)
  • the arrival of my first package from the States (not an intentional birthday present because it was sent many moons ago, but I’m counting it as one)


  1. What fun! May God continue to make you feel held even in the midst of this new adventure.

  2. I hope you are referring to the pkg I sent you guys, because I was starting to worry it was never going to get there, but what perfect timing! I love you and am glad the day turned out better than you expected :)
