Friday, August 19, 2011

First Week

This has been a very full week.  We finally met our students, moved into our apartment, and the faintly familiar rhythm of school has begun but definitely to a different tune.  
I (Daesha) had the brilliant idea of making a poster for my classroom that said “Welcome” in the students’ first languages.  I abandoned that idea when I realized there were over twenty.  The diversity of our students will be both wonderful and challenging. 
We have learned to be flexible as we juggle five preps each (teacher talk for classes we have to prepare for) and as we share a computer and have limited access to the internet and copiers.  We have learned not to take the small things for granted.  Expo markers are precious.  Thumb tacks are little jewels and a good stapler is a gold nugget.  We have learned to speak slower so that our students can understand.
But when the week is over, it’s not about nice, clean copies or a perfectly executed lesson.  It’s about whether or not they walk out of the school feeling loved, challenged, and valued.  Did they see Jesus in their teachers this week?


  1. Denny used to say "You are the best curriculum" but I think you have it right that actually as long as we can show them Jesus' love, the rest is just frosting on the cake!

  2. How exciting that school has started and you finally are in your own apartment. I'm so glad that you are settling in and that you are finding a rhythm. So what is the weather like? Have you gotten the hang of shopping? Hows the apartment? Take some pictures so I can see. Miss both of you tons.
    Love yah,
